Title : Bohagote Ahibi Senai Oi
Kotha / Xongeet : Charu Gohain
Singer : Queen Das
The Song:
The lyrics:
ahibi senai oi
khupate epahi
kopoful diboloi
pokhila urile
toi janu nahibi
morom diboloi
Bohagote ...
Ture mure majot ase
homajore noi
haturi paar hom
tuke paboloi
Ture mure majot ase
homajore noi
haturi paar hom
tuke paboloi
toi janu nahibi
homajor bhoyote
toi janu nahibi
homajor bhoyote
khupate epahi
kopoful diboloi
khupate epahi
kopoful diboloi
ahibi senai oi
khupate epahi
kopoful diboloi
Bohagote ...
Moi jodi puwoti hou
pokhire toi geet
moi jodi bohag hou
toi utonua sit
Moi jodi puwoti hou
pokhire toi geet
moi jodi bohag hou
toi utonua sit
Senai toi ahibi
eibar bihute
Senai toi ahibi
eibar bihute
khupate epahi
kopoful diboloi
khupate epahi
kopoful diboloi
ahibi senai oi
khupate epahi
kopoful diboloi
Pokhila urile
toi janu nahibi
morom diboloi
Bohagote ...
Mur eti prio geet.(one of my most fav song)